That Chopin in some way 'bought into' the French male literary tradition which presented itself to her in the form of Maupassant's short fiction is undeniable. All writers have their predecessors and in Chopin's case it appears that one man in particular was highly influential, French short story writer Guy de Maupassant, who took the literary world by storm in 1880 with pieces ".marked by an impeccable concise prose, carefully chosen expressive details and solidly realistic characters" (Ewell, Kate Chopin p. This development did not of course occur in isolation. It was the 'mastering' of the short story genre that allowed Chopin to complete her final masterpiece, to develop a style best suited to her thematic concerns. This novel, however, represents only the climax of a literary career spent almost exclusively in the composition of short fiction.

Highly controversial in its time, The Awakening deals with the condition of the nineteenth century woman in marriage, and has been more recently rediscovered and recognised as an overtly feminist text for these same reasons.

Kate Chopin is best known in the literary world of today as author of the novel The Awakening. Kate Chopin as Feminist: Subverting the French Androcentric Influence Jane Le Marquand Kate Chopin as Feminist: Subverting the French Androcentric Influence